
40 Years of Magic | Volume 5

One last glance...

This moment cracked me up...Matthew and Jacob "reading" the map...
they were having quite the discussion about where to go next! 

Brandon in his Disney issued rain poncho & 3D's.

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting up with my BFF from college, Joy.
We was like peas & carrots in nursing school...seeing her again,
it was like nothing had changed.
Love her.  Love her Hubby. Love her kids. 


Me & my wittle sister Betsy.

Dad - aka - Grandpa and Miss Emma:  all set to go!

Emma & Goofy, er a, Uncle Brian BEING goofy!

These two are buddies.
"Madie, you wanna pway wif me?"

Somehow I do not think the Disney World Resort meant for their
bolster pillows to be used as adult beverage holders...just sayin.

40 Years of Magic...it was a most excellent trip.
I love you & I thank you.  xoxo


40 Years of Magic | Volume 4

THE BEST show at Animal Kingdom - "It's Tough to be a Bug"
3D glasses + bug antennae included!

Emma in her Minnie Bridal Ears!

Angie running scared waiting at the dinosaur ride!

Everyone loves a Tigger!

After an African Safari we enjoyed dinner at Tusker House.
Disney made vacation with a group of 13 easy!


40 Years of Magic | Volume 3

We met every morning at 9:00 am - around then is when
we filtered in and out of Mom & Dads room for a bite
of breakfast.  Then we congregated outside our rooms
collecting keys, strollers, coats (do we need one?)
and kids!

Chip, Madie, Dale & Me!
Or is it Dale, then Chip?
I don't know, anyway, aren't we cute?


We ran into Duffy @ Epcot.
Who the heck is Duffy, anyway?
None of us had ever heard of him, but the kids loved him!
Stroller Parking.
Gosh, if I had a dollar for every stroller, I'd be RICH!!!
Some places even had stroller attendants - like valet!
Chef Mickey's - a wonderful buffet + character visits at your table.
So much fun - but it was hard to eat dinner when there was so much
to photograph! 

The Electrical Parade @ Magic Kingdom - awesome - the fireworks in
front of the castle = my favorite!!!

Angie did the planning and research for this trip -
she did a most excellent job - Thank YOU, Sis!!!


Just call me Martha...

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Disney programming for an easy-peasy project.
{idea copied from the creative genius, Martha}
You start with a cheapo, relatively ugly, $7.99 boot tray.

Then you get crazy looks when you ask for rocks - in the dead of winter -
at the local home improvement store. I bought rainbow rock,
however, there are many to choose
from and one bag will be plenty @ $3.94 a bag.
I found the rocks to be extremely dirty.
So I washed 'em.
"What did you do today, Michelle?"
"Um, I washed rocks."

As I was washing the red dirt off, I thought to myself...
Are these Oklahoma rainbow rocks?
Sure enough, look at the label!

They really are quite pretty all shined up!

Then you fill the tray, place it by the front door & voila!
For a grand total of 12.00 bucks a stylish place to put yer boots!
And with any luck, minimize the puddles in the entryway.
Total of 19 inches of snow and counting...eek!


40 Years of Magic | Volume 2

We arrived at Magic Kingdom a little lost...

but a kind stranger pointed us in the right direction.


I found a charming prince in front of the castle!  :)

The kids found a White Rabbit.
That is how he signed his autograph...White Rabbit.
It was a super idea (mom/angie) to make little autograph books for the kids. 
I think they got signatures from all the major players!

Ryan *loved* the characters. 
He was not shy - all hugs and smiles!
Matthew, not so much-
he could have cared less about the
big headed freaks! 

Whatever it was that got us in this mess...
I'm certain it was Angie's fault!!! 

Brandon and Dad with matching outfits.
I thought only teen aged girls did that sort of thing?
It was weird.  :)
Smiles and happiness were abundant. 
Disney World truly is the 'happiest place on earth'
and is certain to bring out the child in you!
Right, Mom?


40 Years of Magic

We just returned home from a most incredible adventure to
Walt Disney World in Florida!!!
We went there for a very special reason...
to celebrate my parents and their 40 years of marriage.
Ironically, Walt Disney World is also celebrating 40 years! 
Super cool, me thinks!
Disney staff spoiled Mom & Dad with Anniversary love at every turn!
Disney is the *perfect* place for a celebration...first class, A+, highest praise!

I was blessed with *THE BEST* parents -
thank you seems like such an inferior sentiment
to express the gratitude in my heart.
For lack of something more profound...THANK YOU...
for everything.
I love you!
I am so excited to share more of our Disney adventures!
See ya in a few days - gotta work...