Madie is in love with all things frilly & girlie, but most of all she loves shoes! I hope she likes this adorable sundress & matching sandals!
Other details...
~ I submitted my resignation to Longaberger after selling baskets for a decade. I'm hoping to refer all basket sales to my Branch Advisor & best basket buddy, Carri. I plan to continue my obsession with LB baskets & to keep my bsktgirl title! :)
~ Remember my blog entry regarding computerized charting? Well, let me tell you...the nursing staff deserves kudos...all of my co~workers did a remarkable job adapting to the new system. The transition went smoothly and after only a week we were all feeling like we had a handle on the situation. You feel a 'but' coming don't you...well you are correct!
And the Oscar goes to:
Dr. R****r for Best Leading Man in a Drama
Dr. R****l for best Supporting Actor in a Drama
Several of our physicians acted a fool & sabotaged the entire project. Our computer charting is currently 'on hold' for six weeks. I am very, very disappointed in them & their bad behavior.
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