Today was my first one hour training session with Jason over at the 24 hour Fitness. The dude tried to kill me! I did tell him that I do not like to sweat...he didn't really listen. I sweated.
The exercises have cutey little names that might just make you cry in sweet surrender! For example....
The Inch Worm - This exercise stretches the low back, hamstrings, calves, and upper back. To perform it, begin with your palms flat on the floor and only your toes otherwise touching ground, with plenty of distance between them. In other words, you should look like you’re ready to perform a push-up. Then, slowly inch your toes and feet towards your hands until both your palms and feet are flat on the floor (if you are not yet flexible enough to achieve this position, get as close as you can!) Hold this position for 10 seconds, and repeat five times. Inch worm description courtesy of this website.
The Burpie is a holdover from gym class, the one exercises every kid hated doing. It involves placing the hands on the ground from a standing position, kicking the legs back and the returning them before standing again. The versions here are a bit more advanced and include a pushup and jump. The goal of a Burpie is speed (I think I just heard a 24-Hour Fitness trainer pass out and the entire IHRSA convention groan in fear). Yes, speed. It’s not the evil hobgoblin of broken backs and ruined joints that everyone thinks it is. In fact, if you have any desire to play any sport or participate in any athletic activity, guess what you need? To make a Burpie work, the speed, although important, is second to form. The ultimate goal being to be fast and functional. Once the hands hit the ground, the feet kick back quickly. Then drop into a pushup before yanking the feet back under you and then, from that position, jump as high as possible before landing right into the next one. There are no pauses from motion to motion, especially the jump. Too often the body wants to stand before jumping and then land in a standing position before moving into the next Burpie. To conquer this, as soon as the feet hit the ground from bringing them back from the kicked-out position, jump up, then as soon as they hit the ground again, absorb the landing right into the next Burpie. Burpie description courtesy of this site.

Last night, I finished it! Greg & Erin's wedding album is complete!
A friend at work asked me to scrap her daughters wedding early last year.
Immediately after Vicki asked & I agreed...the scrap mo-jo left me, gone, good bye.
I promised to get it done by their first anniversary {jan 20} and just under the wire, I did it!
Who sent the package you ask? Well, that would be my wonderful mother-in-law, Colleen! She has been donating her talents to the babies of the NICU for some time and this time she has out done herself! I love these & cannot wait to share them! Thanks, Mom!
you go girl! I will do the groaning for both of us...but at least you will be gorgeous (er) when you are done!
Love and Hugs and much success!
Cute layouts, Michelle! So simple and elegant- love it! I am resolving to start the gym routine on Monday. Today- it's pizza and DP. I miss your face!
Little Alex still uses the blanket you had in his Bed at the NICU! He loves it and so will the babies that get those blankies....too cute!
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