
Joy Joy Joy...down in my heart!

Okay ya'll time is a wastin'...only two days left to enter! I'm sure you're out there pondering the meaning of life...but hurry it up! ~Please dont tell me it has taken you this long to come up with a JOY! :) Dont be shy!
Here is what some blog friends have to be joyful about....
JOY! need i say more???

Why do three tattered, unsanitary couches stacked alongside the dumpsters in Austin bring me joy? Much like RAK, this is a RAW- random act of weirdness. Weirdness is the definition of Austin. I am constantly and pleasantly surprised by the randomness and mentality of those who live in Austin. Written on bathroom walls are philosophical messages and words that represent open minds and creativity. Such "weirdness" always brings a smile to my face. It reassures me that there are still those who avoid conformity and strive for simplistic happiness. To me, Austin is JOY. Caprice Alli RAIN. I love the look, taste, color (or lack there-of), and most of all smell of rain. The smell instantly takes me back to when I was a little girl in Ireland. Although, I wasn't there long, the smell of rain makes me feel like I spent my whole life on my grandmother's farm in Ballygar, Ireland. Alison

Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Down in My Heart An evening sunset Bear hug from my sweetie The smell of sheets off the line ‘I love you’ from my grandkids Their squeal of delight when we visit The smell of fresh dirt Homemade cinnamon rolls Remembering Mom Holding hands A summer breeze A daughter’s phone call New fabric Crawling in bed after a long day A child’s first hug in the morning Peace in my heart Knowing God loves me
~Mary (mom)

1 comment:

Loreluca said...

These are such GREAT entries! Loved the Austin one!