What does bsktgirl do on a dreary winter day with ice in the forecast?
She throws caution to the wind & whips up some Cowboy cookies, that's what!
The caution/wind refers to the fact that cowboy cookies are not on my diet!
Therefore, all but about 10 cookies went to work with Brian! :)
the recipe lives in this cookbook that I received as
a confirmation present in 1986 from my Grandparents.
I would be willing to bet TJ, Tonya, Angie & Betsy
all have the exact same book! Yes?
the key is to use one stick real butter & one stick margarine
and to let them thaw to room temperature before mixing.
I use one for flour, white sugar, brown sugar & rice
the cast of characters
True Love is when you save the beater for your beloved.
important not to over beat @ this step, which is easy to do with the
power tool that is Kitchen Aid!
I like to use 1/2 milk chocolate and 1/2 butterscotch!
I know, I'm a devil, aren't I?
Wrapped in foil in the fridge! :)
Brian really is lucky to have me, isn't he?
I love gadgets that make life & cookies perfect!
Be careful not to over bake...undercooked is better than over.
Look at these golden beauties!
okay...hoping I don't have to get out my bi-focals to read this recipe here in fine print. Nice step by step post. I will be mixing up a batch myself. Love all your frequent posts. Glad for "winter" weather and your stretch off = lots of blog reading for me! cjb
I have made those before, too. Doesn't it crack you up how everyone is Mrs. So-and-so in that book?
Way to TORTURE me!!! You bad, bad girl. Each cookie is 3 points. I have already figured them up as a hypothetical. :) In Hawaii all the L&D nurses and Docs would sneak over to the NICU to raid our breakroom when I made Cowboy cookies. Those cookies are how I earned the name "Betsy Crocker" in college. It was a term of endearment after I shared those cookies from that wonderful Ramsey cookbook! I won't make a pie without that cookbook, either.
Bri is lucky to have you and even luckier that you know how to cook! They look SO YUMMY!!!!
cute post shel!
these cookies look YUMMO! i might have to snag that recipe and try them out for myself!
These are a staple at our house! I do believe the girls are beginning to memorize the recipe. That is really bad! We alternate between these and Chocolate white chip cookies that are on the bag of Hersey's White Chocolate Chips...talk about yummy! Those will really blow your points for the day!
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