
I *heart* being an auntie

This little boy stole my heart this weekend!
Ryan is such a sweet, sweet baby.
I love his easy, gummy, drooly smile!
Mark (in the red shirt) ran the Cow Town half marathon in record time!
Brian & Ryan spent a little time getting to know each other...
{Tanner was such a good boy & so tolerant of all the activity~
I am so proud of my boy}
...can I touch your whiskers?
Jacob lined all his cars & trucks on the ottoman and said...
"Aunt Shel, you wanna take a picture of my cars?"
Of course I do, sweet little Buddy!
Bath time is so much fun.
Just look at these smiles!
Playing all day is hard work! good night Rupert
good night Pee Jay
good night JJB
i love you

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