
the best sleep

I mentioned being sick in an earlier post. My sweet friends, sick does not adequately describe the demonic virus that has taken up residence in my body. I was sure that it was just a cold ~ it would run its course, 5 days and I would be all better. I was confident it was not the swine flu ~ I never had a high fever. Strep? ~ probably not since my sore throat only lasted 2 days.
What I did have was some serious post nasal drip, I mean really!?! How much snot CAN the human head hold? The drainage made me cough, the coughing made me gag, the gagging and coughing made sleep impossible. My voice is gone in the morning and leaves again at the end of the day...it is about 10 octave's lower than normal....think Barry White + Heavy smoker. Add to that all over body aches and ear pain and you have the idea! Yesterday (at the one week sick mark) I gave in and went to the doctor. He confirmed a demonic virus really had invaded my body! ( I knew it!) We ruled out flu/strep with negative cultures. The good Doctor prescribed me a Z-Pac and cough medicine. Not just any cough medicine. Robitussin with a bonus ~a codeine bonus! Let me just tell you, last night was the best night of sleep I have had in a week! Ahhh, better living through pharmaceuticals!


TJ said...

Hope you feel better! Nyquil induced sleep is wonderful for me. I don't even hear the kids... maybe that is a bad thing?!?!?!?!

~ TJ

Lizzy said...

Get well Darling - no fun being sick any time!