

I'm in love with Rock Band. With a little practice, I am pretty sure I could make it a career! Here we go again... I have officially {re}started weight watchers as of Monday. I am counting points and plan to weigh weekly at home. I have the materials & know the drill - so I am not paying to go to the meetings. It is just a matter of actually doing it. It is such a mental game for me. Ohhh, I long for the skinny days of my youth: eating whatever I wanted (cheese balls from the Red Dog...any of my Tyke friends remember those?), hanging out all summer in a swimsuit at the pool...those were the days...


Staci said...

Best of luck, I think losing weight is a pain in the rear, but I too long for the days of my youth and it makes me laugh because I thought I was chubby back then. I know you can do it!

TJ said...

The Red Dog.... what a blast from the past!

You looked awesome as a lifeguard, btw. ;)

ragray said...

You go girl!!!

Alison said...

You can do it, girl! Just play the drums on Rock Band a lot- that is some serious cardio!!! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Good luck Shell!!!! Gary and I are trying also and it really is a mind game and too many nights out!

Lizzy said...

Eat at home!!!! Going out is way to convenient and way to easy to blow a days worth of work. Work at it and you will do it.