
one of THOSE weeks...

Sorry for the delay...in my last post I asked you to say tuned - I did not realize it was going to be for six days! eek! About that - I was freaking out because I downloaded a blog format from here, because I really wanted a cool new layout like TJ has....except TJ is a computer person, me? not so much. I lost a few things (my entire blog roll, counter, etc) in the transition and I was kicking myself for even attempting such an upgrade! I spent a little time straightening things out and I am pretty happy with the end result...what do you think? It has been 'one of those weeks'... I don't mean to complain, however, I can't help myself. So please bear with me, or not, whatever.... I sold some items on ebay this week. Two of the winning bidders have chosen not to pay or respond to my {polite, I might add} emails. I fail to understand this behavior. Stay off ebay if you don't really want the stuff...it is a waste of my time & money. Thank you. Bless the folks that work in the drive thru. Bless them. How hard can it be to get the order AND the change correct? Really? We are working with bills no bigger than $20... Today was my weekly weigh in. I stayed within my points for the week and golfed three days in 100 degree heat. And I only lost .2 - yeah, that is what I said down only point two. SNAP. Pisses me off...that is why I was in the Taco Cabana drive thru. Emotional eating anyone??? Michael Jackson hype is getting me down...no one has talked about him in years other than to highlight his freakish behavior, he dies & becomes a saint? Our media has lost touch with reality. Chi-Mo, drugs, debt...all the things you want your children to aspire to... Little and I went to the YMCA pool today. Last week she had a BLAST going down the slide over and over and over. I bet she went down 200 times. So much fun for her. Today she could not use the slide without passing a swimming test. Little can't swim any distance, so she failed. She was so disappointed and I was heart broken for her... the kicker, you ready? The slide empties into water that is only 3 feet 2 inches deep ---all she has to do is STAND UP! Help me, Rhonda! I worked the weekend. I was completely over stimulated with families & babies & crying & families & monitors & beeping & visitors & noise & families & nonsense. I was in a nursery with 8 babies, 4 of whom set off their alarms constantly for low heart rate - which means you have to stop whatever you are doing to save them. And the families/visitors... Good gravy. And now, the icing on the cake - I took my wedding ring in for repair because one of the prongs had a rough area & I did not want to risk losing my diamond. I got my ring back and I SWEAR it is not the same diamond...I have cried most of the afternoon. I am sick and I can not prove a thing. Nothing. I have worn this diamond for 8 years, I know what it looks like & this ain't it. So. very. sad.


Betsy said...

Oh, Shel, that bites. I'm furious for you over the diamond! Everything else is bad, too, but I am really sad for you over the diamond. The only "thing" in the world that's actually worth getting upset over, your wedding ring! I am sorry.
Did you tell Little you used to teach swimming lessons? Maybe you can help her turn into a little fishy.
I am sorry about those darn families. Uck.
Sending you hugs and kisses.

Alli said...

Hi Michelle,

The ring thing make me sick! I can't believe someone would do that. Is it the same store Brian bought it from? I asked Chris about it as I'm freaking out as my diamond needs a good cleaning and he said that I should ask them to get it mapped.

TJ said...

Oh, I have had weeks like that. One step at a time!

If it makes you feel better, I can't even find my wedding ring. I better start looking before we move!


believe it or not...it's just me said...

oh my friend michelle. i am sorry about your crazy, awful week.I know how draining the beeping, crying, parents can be and UGH thta makes for an exhausting weekend! I can't believe your ring is different. i am sick over it for you, what can you do?!
what a frustrating week... hang in there, this one SHALL be better!!!

Lizzy said...

Oh Honey - so sorry about your ring. Map the darn thing, make Bri go with you - and watch them check it out. Most of those repairs can be done while you WAIT for it!!!! Maybe not all, but a rough spot doesn't take that long to repair.

The other stuff - well you can fix, ignore, forget, or forgive most of it - YOUR choice.

Hugs and loves always