
years ago...

These are my {paternal} grandparents,
Elmer & Kate in 1941. Old photos make me happy.
Old photos transport you to a different place & time...
a time before dishwashers and facebook.
I often wonder what they would think of the world today?
I have so many questions that I would love to ask if
only I had one more moment in their presence.
Uncle Mel looking quite dapper in his little suit & hat,
notice the pointy collar! :)
The little tyke on the little trike is my Dad,
sporting a beany hat.
My Aunts' Sandy & Shirley in matching dresses. I can only assume they are all dressed up
in their Sunday clothes
because work/play clothes look different...


TJ said...

Very nice post!

The Talk Times said...

Love it! I often think life would be much simpler!

Lizzy said...

You have your grandma's eyes!