
Party On...Version 2.0

Not sure exactly how I missed the random
pantry pictures, yeah, I said pantry. 
Not party.
These crazy kids were also in the bathtub...
hmm, maybe they don't get out much?  :)

Who knew fiber could make a girl so happy?

Seriously, Ali B. was everywhere!
These are my girls,
my Texas family,
my peeps.

The reality of leaving has not sunk in yet...

Honestly, I'm afraid to think about it.
It could get ugly.
So lets suppress it for later,
shall we?

Nothing like a little Southern Comfort
to warm the cockles of the heart and
make you forget your worries...thanks John!

The party was a *blast* and I thank you from the
bottom of my cockles!  Love you, friend!  xoxo

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I gotta hand it to Ali B. She took some great photos! What a blast!