
Decked Out

BSG's fall project - staining our double decker!  Pretty sure this deck has never seen a coat of stain or sealant - so to say that it was time is an understatement! 
There he is...my BSG ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work! 
First you must clean. BSG went to rent a power washer and came home with this applicator and a scrub brush.  Apparently the power washer forces to much water into the wood and is not recommended.  Plan B is to get on your hands and knees and scrub.  *Labor Intensive*

As you can see, the wood was dry and in serious need of some TLC.
I was amazed at the amount of dirt, grime and green that came off with a little elbow grease.
We used Olympic Maximum Toner Waterproofing Sealant in Canyon Brown. 
You should see the deck 'bead up' when it rains...like a turtle waxed new car!
I'm very pleased with our choice of color...a very rich dark brown.
The finished product!!!