{ me, andrea, kelly & sylvia }
In our NICU we practice "primary nursing" which means we can choose a baby/family and follow them through their hospital stay until discharge. I have been taking care of Faith & her parents since the beginning of December. Faith was born @ 27 weeks and has had her fair share of ups & downs...I am proud to say my favorite girl went home on Monday!!! This baby grabbed my heart & stole it....I love her & her mommy. An occupational hazard: I fall in love at work on average of 3 times a year....one down, two to go! :)

{Faith...the best dressed baby in the NICU}
I went a tad crazy at the M.A.C. counter this week...isn't it strange how all of your makeup & shampoo seem run out all at the same time? My makeup bag was pitiful & in desperate need of an overhaul...so Catherine at the M.A.C makeup counter to the rescue! I am now sporting new colors & a well stocked makeup bag! :) Have I mentioned that I am a HUGE sucker for 'products?' I love to try 'new' things and all that fancy marketing & packaging works on me every time! :) Lili cut my hair today so look out....hottie on the loose! LOL!
This week our unit started computer charting....no more paper flow sheets. {I love paper flow sheets} So, I am absolutely dreading work tomorrow....I really haven't practiced much & I'm sure I'll be frustrated. I hate to be negative but I just simply do not want to do it. Period. The end. Have I become one of those "old" nurses resistant to change? Maybe. Computers are supposed to make our lives easier...humph....we'll see. :)
Tomorrow is Weight Watchers weigh in day....keep your fingers crossed & think light! I think I've done okay this week...getting my water in everyday seems to be a challenge for me...love that soda way to much.
Better run...the dryer has stopped & needs my attention!
Love to all!
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