
RAK version 2.0

Do you ever get a song in your head & you can not stop singing the lyrics? You walk around singing/humming/thinking about that song in spite of yourself? It seems no matter how hard you try to forget or move on to another song, you just can't? For example: just the other day I had the song from Sesame Street, that the cookie monster used to sing, stuck in my head....you know the one...'C' is for cookie, it's good enough for me...
Well, lately {along with the cookie monster song} I have been thinking a lot about joy. Am I joyfull? Do I spread joy? What does joy mean to me? What gives me joy? How could I enjoy more joy? Here are a just a couple of things I found on the subject of joy... By definition joy is... Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness. The expression or manifestation of such feeling. A source or an object of pleasure or satisfaction: their only child, their pride and joy. To take great pleasure; rejoice. To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction. To enjoy. In the Bible... The keyword search on biblegateway.com produced hundreds of verses that refer to the word joy in the bible... Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. ~Psalm 90:13-15 Oprah says...

"I define joy as a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace - a connection to what matters." ~Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine

So, I'd like to make JOY the theme of my second RAK.

RAK Contest Rules:

  1. Need not be present to win. *smile*
  2. One JOYful winner will be drawn Feb. 21th.
  3. To be eligible to win, the contestant must post a comment to this blog AND submit a photograph of something that brings them JOY along with a short explanation to bsktgirl@sbcglobal.net {Creativity counts here people! DO NOT send me a studio picture of your children...no fair...everyone already knows that they are your 'pride & joy' ... think outside the box, use your imagination!}
  4. All photographs become the property of bsktgirl. {This just means that I might post your entrys on the blog, so dont send anything you would not want posted here.}
  5. Version 2.0 is mostly scrapbook related items & a few fun tinkets. {I promise to do something different next time for you non-scrappers!}


Alison said...

Okay, after much thought and consideration I have decided what brings me joy.....


I love the look, taste, color (or lack there-of), and most of all smell of rain. The smell instantly takes me back to when I was a little girl in Ireland. Although, I wasn't there long, the smell of rain makes me feel like I spent my whole life on my grandmother's farm in Ballygar, Ireland.

Loreluca said...

I LOVE that can of Kickapoo joy juice!!! The kickapoo name alone makes me happy!
ok, I'll have to go downstairs and get my camera... Need to upload my pix. But I kindda know where I'm going with this...

sylvia said...

ok, i submitted. check it out. by the way, does you creativity have no end???
love ya,

Alli said...

Hi Michelle,

I just sent mine. :)

Caprice Padilla said...

“Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Joy is also David Beckham's new Armani underwear campaign ;)

Anonymous said...

I sent you an email and a pic! I laughed the entire time I was sending it! Only you and I can appreciate it! :):) Hope it generates a response from you!~ Hope things are as okay as can be expected in your world right now. We need to connect on the phone! Love you...love, carri Too many things bring me joy to even begin to list! Just being alive is enough JOY for all of us!