
Iowa :: Sweetness

At the last minute we decided to motor to Iowa for a really quick visit...I have some wonderful photo's to share once I get them all cropped, chopped and photo shopped!
Did you know the man who painted American Gothic was from Iowa?
Lets start with a really good reason to visit Iowa in July...fresh sweetcorn!
This bag of yummy goodness was purchased from a roadside pick up truck...
nine ears for $3.50.
Jacob uses his cob 'o corn as a butter delivery device...
he pretty much just licks the butter & salt off!
sheeesh, youngsters! *smile* oh, he will learn!

Now Emma, on the other hand....this girl can eat some corn ~ wide open mouth, cob handles, the whole bit! This skill is passed down from generation to generation...Emma's dad, Brandon. Madie :: eyes closed in serious corn concentration! Mom cooked the ears to perfection! The Cornhusker (Brian) in action...

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