
A little story about RANDOM KINDNESS...

Jacob received this handmade wooden tractor in one of those random kindness acts.
I was waiting with the boys by the water fountain in the center of the mall, searching my purse for a couple of pennies that Jacob could toss into the water when
an elderly man approached us.
He handed Jacob this tractor and a handful of pennies.
I started to object...and the nice man said...
"no, please...it is a hobby of mine to make these tractors & I want him to have it."
I love random kindness!
The man and his wife sat on a bench by the fountian handing out pennies & wooden tractors...and almost every child I saw after that had a tractor...handmade with love by a little old man with a great big heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, that MUST of been in Iowa!!!
I don't see that ever happening in Dallas at Northpark Mall.

I hope I'm that kind of old person!