
I used to be in a gang....

Yes, it is true...
We were quite the roving band of gangstas!
That's me, the diva, second from the left.
Boy haircut, dirty knees, ugly Buster Brown shoes & all...
Cousins: Ed, Me, Layne, Mike
I distinctly remember a time when we were playing
cowboys & Indians and I (the beautiful Indian princess)
was taken hostage (by three unsavory characters)
and held inside the tee pee (2 man camping tent).
I was deprived of water and mercilessly tied to the stake (tent pole).
Evidently, the rough & tough cowboys couldn't stand
all the crying
(kicking, screaming & threats
I am gonna tell on you!)
and finally let me go....!
Ahhh, those were the days!

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