
Swimsuits & Paint

This week I was complaining to Brian that if Whiskey can not keep up his blog AND have a girlfriend, then the girlfriend must go! :)
"Pot meet Kettle."
I haven't posted in over a week myself!
So~another exciting chapter of (mundane drivel) er, uh, my life...
These are the super CUTE! swimsuit/cover ups I got the girls for their birthdays.
I *heart* Target
The book/PJ's combos at Christmas seemed to be a hit,
so we'll give the swimsuit a try for birthdays!

This is my living room stuffed into the dining room...

Why, you ask? New carpet!

Is it not Murphy's Law that one home project leads to another. New carpet lead directly to my dirty & scuffed baseboards. Which lead to paint. Nothing more anxiety producing than PAINTING over brand new carpet! Doesn't it seem that the harder you try to be neat with paint, the more you slop? These photos were all taken with my fancy new Sony Alpha 200.
I am super excited for this weekend because my sister Betsy & her family will be here and I can shoot a subject more exciting than paint cans & carpet! Last year I took this fantastic picture of little JJB. I am hoping to capture some of RWB's fabulousness this year!


TJ said...

Have a fun visit! I am reading your drivel at 12:30 a.m. so what does that say about me? :)


The Talk Times said...

Love Madie's suit...I just happened to be reading that portion of the posting when little miss herself popped around the corner...almost gave that away. Thankfully she didn't notice. Have fun with M & B!