Iowa is home to 89,000 farms (2007 data) and 92% of Iowa's land is devoted to agriculture.
Iowa leads the nation in the production of corn, soybeans & pork.
The average Iowa farmer feeds 279 people each year.
Many things grow in this fertile soil.
Mom's garden had a bumper crop this year!
We came home with carrots, onion, green pepper, tomatoes
& {my favorite!} sweet corn.
Dads shirt says:
"Friends don't let friends drive green tractors"
a gag gift from a friend, as
John Deere green is the only color tractor
on this farm and the only place he shops!
Dad was proud of this beauty.
Iowa yields an average of 171 bushels of corn per acre.
One bushel of corn = 56 lbs.
One acre is 4,840 sq feet or
90.75 feet of a football field.
(the area shaded red)

Once the corn plant puts up a tassel,
the plants focus changes from making roots/leaves to producing grain.
All of the plants resources will go towards making the biggest ear of corn possible.
Lovely post, but those aren't farm girl fingernails!!! :)
This was awesome Shel!! A very informative, documentary, if you will. You probably taught those southerners, or any general audience, a thing or too! I loved it!! I'm PROUD to call Iowa home!! Amongst the corn and soybeans, I wouldn't have signed up for any different of a childhood, even if it paid me a million dollars!! The best part of it all, was growing up a few miles from you! My bestest friend! Love you, wish we could've connect when you were back in God's Country!! *hugs* cjb
Oh I loved this post. Hope you had a great time. Do more of these....this is how people learn about your neighborhood....I want one of these when you get home too!
Soybeans???? I thought that was called edumame and cost 10 bucks a bowl!
Jane M
Very nice Shel...I think we take this for granted we don't even realize how lucky we are to live here. Too bad so many have such a misconception about Iowa, and Iowans! They are missin' out!
Bets, even when I WAS a farm girl on a daily basis, my fingernails didnt show it! :)
Who are you Talk Times?
Thanks for the comments!!!
Great post Michelle! I'm sure when I show James he'll be asking for directions to the Gray farm. Tell your dad James, the boys and all their green equipment are on the way!
FYI............Dad found one stalk of corn with 6, yes SIX, ears of corn on it!!!! Can you believe it?!?! She's the mother producer, apparently!!! :) cjb
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