
the Iowa State fair

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments about my farm 101 post, both here and in emails...ya'll make blogging so much fun! My heart belongs to Iowa, no matter where I wander or roam, I am an Iowa child. {tearing myself up....}
I love the state fair, pretty sure I have mentioned that before? To me, the state fair embodies all that is so wonderful about Iowa & Iowans. It is a presentation to the world, showcasing agriculture and our rich heritage. There has been a state fair in Iowa since 1854! The fair has been referred to as an AG-extravaganza and is listed as one of the 1000 Places to See Before you Die...and without further ado...
The weather was absolutely perfect the entire week we were home...no 100 degree Texas temps here! The highs were in the upper 70's and a mite chilly 50's in early mornings.

Perfect except for a brief downpour that got everyone running for cover!

One of the best reasons to attend: the food. The fair boasts 50 food items served on a stick this year and we did not waste anytime getting to the fried Snickers...oh and the walking Taco, taffy, cotton candy....awe, never mind!

Yummy, melty goodness. and for you health conscience freaks people there was even this... Really. REALLY? You go the fair and eat salad, on a stick? Wrong, just wrong.

There were exhibits for most everything - quilts

nut art
I'm just say'in.... apples the 3,400 pound bull named Big Black
and freakishly large garden produce.
If ever you are in Iowa mid August, its a must see!
Click here to see all of my State Fair pic's.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I don't want to miss this next year! Can we come???