
a lot of this lately...

I hear rumbles & it's dark on the north side, sunny on the south side.
I'm certainly not complaining, but it is unusual weather.
Can you believe it is already August?
August means summer is almost over!
The rain/sunshine mix make the Mexican Heather happy... Just look at my beautiful Tanner boy~ sitting so pretty by the front door watching the storm roll in. He looks sleepy because he was up at the crack of dawn, on my day off {!} pacing and whimpering and sticking his cold, wet nose on my arm and in my face. I finally relented at 7:00 and let him out to potty-however that was not good enough, oh no...he stood at the door looking longingly at his leash, ready for our morning walk. I chose to ignore the puppy dog eyes & climb back into bed. Which I did...because I am the master, right? RIGHT? A decision Tanner made me regret, as the shenanigans continued. He might be holding a grudge...
or wishing I was invisible!


TJ said...

I like the blog updates!

Lizzy said...

Oh the things we do for our kids...doesn't matter how many feet and legs they have....they are still kids to us!