
wheels in motion

This was the sight out my front door-
evening light, puffy clouds, a lone kite.
I'm going to buy a kite.
I'm going to fly kites with my nieces & nephews.
I'm going to make up for lost time.
I'm going to make memories.
Proof that there is still good in the world.
90 calorie Snickers ice cream bars...
Cold, nutty, melty goodness!
Relocation Update:  We have received the 'GO' from the tower!!!
July 21st we learned BSG's release date...July 30th.
Really, REALLY?
Nine, 9, NINE days notice!
We are gaining speed down the runway.
The wheels are in motion.
We have our seat belts on low and tight.
My type A personality is kicking into full gear...
This requires lists, my friends, multiple lists!


The Talk Times said...

Hallelujah! We are excited here in Iowa! Can't wait!

TJ said...

Yikes - short order move. Do you have a relocation buy-out on your house?

Lizzy said...

Lions and Tigers and Bears - OH MY!!!
Boxes and Moving Vans and new Houses..Oh Lord Help!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! It is sooooo much fun to pack!! Hang in there and I am always up for a road trip.
