
button, button, who's got the button?

One of the many reasons
I love my brother-in-law, Dan
is that he looks out for me,
like buying two jars of vintage
buttons at an auction for just pennies.

They were in old Skippy peanut butter jars..
most were dirty...
and they smelled strange...

No worries...I bathed them in my noodle colander.
Now they are just like new!
Some look like poker chips...

Some like white cheddar cheese its.
The white ones are my favorite.
They make me happy.

I like to imagine the people who wore them
and the clothing they adorned.

These look like buried treasure.

Oh, pinkies...
you are seriously in the running for favorite.

Yup, I just did
an entire post

No need to thank me. 


TJ said...

And I read an entire post about buttons.... nice photos. ;)

Betsy said...

These are fabulous! Way to go, Dan-O! BTW, I am no longer eating noodles at your house.

sarah said...

beautiful buttons! i'm green with envy!