
I'm all about the lists...

1. This spring I'd really like to visit this museum and see these birdies.
2. I've been wanting to order a return address stamp - but I cannot decide...from here or here
3. I'd like to visit the exhibition Diana, A Celebration at Union Station.
4. I have big creative plans, just not a lot of motivation - this blog post made me feel better.
5. Two words: Roller Derby. Gotta go, gotta see it.
6. I'm planning an ice cream social this summer and I've already started a list for that.
7. Marked off the list: I have {finally} made a choice for master bath tile and carpet.
8. I wonder where my name is on the hospitals mandatory cancel list?
9. I have been to the gym two days in a row...because 'lose weight' is always on my to-do-list!  
10. I am adding the color of this door to my list of favorites.
Photo by BSG


Mary G. said...

You forgot visit Mom and Dad!

lori said...

I would like to be involved in #3 when I come to visit. I did a presentation on her in the 6th grade. :) Fascinating! So if you could hold off...much appreciated!