
"You must keep moving"

Apparently putting my thoughts into sentences is not going to happen for me tonight...
I uploaded this poster and have been staring at the blinking cursor for 45 minutes. 
I think he (the cursor) is taunting me.
This post is quickly turning into a stream of consciousness...hang on, here we go!

* My Cowboys are sucking serious wind.

* I quit my job.  I am NOT able to settle for mediocre when it comes to the care of my babies.  I followed my gut instinct and decided it would be best to keep moving.

* I start my new gig Nov. 7th - not looking forward to being the 'new girl' again, but excited for the opportunity.

* Thoroughly enjoyed the World Series, right up until game 7 when the Rangers lost. 

* Spent three glorious days in Texas with my best girls - love them!

* Footloose was fantastic - makes me wanna dance!

* I want need leopard print ballet flats - but where?
* Thinking of starting my Christmas shopping this week.

* I stood in line, at the crack of dawn, for a freaking phone - and I do not regret it. 

* BSG & I are addicted to the Big Bang Theory - might be the new Seinfeld.

* A huge praying mantis greeted me at the front door.

* Loving the vibrant reds of fall on our tree lined street.

* as in life...I gotta get moving...bsktgirl, out.


Farm 102 | Harvest

Welcome to Farm 102.
In the event you missed Farm 101, click here.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven  ~Ecclesiastes 3:1

The season is autumn and October is the time for harvest. My parents have been farming in northern Iowa for 40 years - I am proud of the important work they do - feeding the world.  Harvest is an exciting time filled with long days, hard work and plenty of dust! {aaaachoo} I was happy to take BSG home {to Iowa} to experience harvest - BSG gets photo credit on all the images in this post. 
The soybean fields had been harvested by the time we arrived - so lets talk about corn, shall we? 
Come along my friends and I'll give you a tour.
This golden ear is ready and waiting to be harvested. 
Iowa ranks #1 in the US in Corn and Soybean production.
The combine is the work horse - a big, powerful machine that is quite efficient at cutting the stalk, removing the corn from the cob and discarding everything else out the backside.  The grain is collected in the hopper on top and is unloaded via the auger you see on the right side.
The King in his Castle. 
Inside the combine is all high tech - like a wi-fi hot spot - the computer calculates yield per acre, moisture content and a time when you will complete that field.  My favorite part is the comfortable seat to the left of the king...years ago to ride in the combine meant perching on the arm rest - now you get your very own seat!  It's the small things.
This post is starting to look like a John Deere advertisment, isnt it? 
When the hopper is full, the grain is emptied into wagons and transported to bins for storage.
A trap door on the side of the wagon cranks open, the grain pours out into the auger and is elevated into the silver bins for storage.
The Iowa Hawkeye football helmets sport a sticker with three letters...ANF
That sticker stands for America Needs Farmers.
Today's American farmer feeds about 155 people worldwide.  
Now, go thank a Farmer!!! 


phone photo dump

Hello friends - sorry to leave y'all hanging!

RAK {random acts of kindness} update -
the Starbucks card went to my sweet friend, Starr. 
Congrats - enjoy that pumpkin spice latte!  :) 

IPhone photo dump:
Tanner taking a happy nappy...so cute!
crazy ass stick bug

cool little dude

sweet, sweet Rachel

Zombie Burger, East Village - Des Moines Iowa
Have you noticed all the Zombie references lately?
This place is pure genius - check 'em out
My brother in law {Mark} introduced BSG to the Ipad game, Zombie Gunship.  He kills Zombies pretty much nightly...
The state of Kansas is even warning of Zombie Invasions - Huh? What?