
small signs of spring

This is my purple clematis climbing skyward,
using an old iron headboard from my dear friend, Liz. Bradford pear petals cover the ground like confetti. The jewel in springs' crown...blooming yellow jasmine! ~~~
A moment of your time for a small commentary regarding spring forward:
I am sick of hearing folks complain about the hour they 'lost'
Oh, I'm sorry you were tired for the hour you sat at 10 am church...
I got up for work at 04:30, (which was actually 03:30, by the way)
Drove an hour, worked a busy 12 hours and drove an hour home.
I am tireder than you. So there!


Betsy said...

Real mature, Shel. :) Ha! Love the pictures of spring.

TJ said...

I *miss* Texas. We do have some hyacinth blooming and Bradford Pears.

We are considering Daren driving 30 miles to work. Yikes. It only takes 29 minutes, though. You can't do that in Dallas, eh?

Michelle {bsktgirl} said...

was someone expecting me to be mature?
you are on the wrong blog!

Lizzy said...

Easy there girl.....its just something that people do....if you don't hear them bitch about something - they are usually DEAD!

Love you!