
A Prayer Request, Gathered Friends & Random Kindness

Urgent prayer request: Please pray for Caprice & her family.
Caprice is my dear friend Sylvia's niece who is fighting the most courageous battle against Cystic Fibrosis. Preece is gravely ill and the entire family is need of prayers.
Today while visiting her daughter in the hospital, Yolanda fell and suffered broken bones.
On a happier note...Dana is in town!
We met at P.F.Changs for lunch.
Andrea, Tanner, Dana, Me, Sandy, Michell It was so nice to visit with my friend. I miss you, Dana-Doodle! This is what happened when I handed my camera over to Michell..... Hello!!??! We are over here! Okay, okay. Try again....
Then we really got to laughing.
Michell swore we were in the center.
Yeah, not so much.

Tanner ( 9 months ) sporting his "Chicks Dig Me" bib, so cute.

And just because I was at the mall today...and that mall happens to have an Anthropologie store...and I am feeling warm & fuzzy...I am going to give this adorable set of note cards to some lucky commenter to this post!

All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what you have planned for summer vacation!

The lucky winner will be randomly drawn Saturday, June 6th.


Betsy said...

We're goin' fishin' in the Ozarks!
Really, we are!

Lizzy said...

Summer? We are sitting under a week of rain clouds here - fine with me as I can finish cleaning out my garage!!!! then I get to paint! Yippppppeeeee!

The Talk Times said...

Nothing, Adventureland, Nothing, swim lessons, nothing, bible school, nothing, Aunt Shel Visits - Woo Hoo! The highlight of the summer!

Dana said...

Just finishing a great trip to Texas. Too short and not enough time, as vacations always are! Thanks for a great lunch and laughs!

believe it or not...it's just me said...

Sending Prayers for Caprice and family. Wish I would have known Dana was in town! hmmm, summer, let's see... Parks, pool, vacation Bible school, backyard swing set, yep, that about sums up my summer vacation plans (exciting huh?!) :)

TJ said...

Going up north for in a couple of weeks ~ Gray picnic, new niece, etc.

I would love to get to a beach this year, but with moving and all, I don't know if it will work.