
yada, yada, yada

Good gravy, is it hot.  According to the weather map, we are not the only ones in the pressure cooker. I hope I can manage to keep my plants alive at least until we sell the house.  I am hesitant to loiter in the yard too long watering as it seems I am the perfect evening snack for skeeters & chiggers!  Those darn chiggers are like nothing I have ever experienced - put you in the loony bin kind of itch!
Tanner and I ran into Mr fatty-fat-fat golden retriever and his poor excuse for an owner again tonight.  I filed ANOTHER report with the city.
This infuriates me to no end. 
Are my subliminal messages working?
What's that you say?  You're still hot?
Yeah, me too.

I am loving the ABC show, Boston Med

I've been busy at the sewing machine.  I used this tutorial as my guide and altered it a bit to suit my liking.  Thankfully this pattern does not include a zipper.  Zippers strike fear in the heart of many a seamstress.  Far be it for me, a novice, to assume I could tackle such a feat!  ;)

Relocation update:  We are in our seats.  We have closed the cabin doors. We are in line on the tarmac.  We are patiently waiting for the  'go ahead' from the tower...

1 comment:

Sharon Brown said...

I really, really want you to walk with a golf club and whack that mean dog and it's owner. Unfortunately, I'm sure it's the owner that is really the problem. Poor dog has to live with that fool. That Tanner is just the cutest, but I always say that!